Home / Finished Portraits / HOW TO PAINT WHITE FUR IN ACRYLICS



My latest full length tutorial in acrylics on Patreon was of a white Bulldog. I had a couple of requests for tutorials on short fur and then another on white fur so I thought I’d combine the two for this one. When I was looking for the reference photo for this tutorial I wanted a dog which was entirely white. No other colour so that I could focus on all parts regarding the white elements. As soon as I saw this Bulldog I knew it was the one.

I think white fur is often thought of as being one of the easier fur types to paint but most of the time it’s one of the more trickier colours to get right. Often, there isn’t enough layers added so the fur looks flat and the texture captured can end up looking for coarser than we would like.

In the 6.5 hour tutorial on Patreon I go into every stage in depth. No secrets or information left out. If I make a mistake its all included in my tutorials so that I can show you how to fix it should it happen in your own work. Mistakes can be a good thing – it’s how we learn and improve our skills as an artist.

If you’d like to paint along to the 6.5 hour Patreon tutorial or any of my other slower in depth tutorials in pastels or acrylics click the button below 🙂
My Patreon


I also have a shorter tutorial on YouTube with voice over. I’ll give you some of my top tips and techniques for painting this fur type. If you’d

 like to see the YouTube version click the photo of the painting :).

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8″ round canvas board
Reference photo: Pixabay
All materials, reference photo and line art are provided in the Patreon tutorial.
