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How to paint fur in acrylics

How to paint fur in acrylics

I have lots of tutorials on Patreon and YouTube which focus on painting fur.
Depending on the subject the fur texture will require a variety of techniques so the correct approach is important. The brushes we use will also be a important factor. I am not overly particular about the brand of brushes I use but I do like certain brushes for certain layers and fur types. A mixture of rounds, filberts and liners are my go to with the occasional use of a rake brush if needed. Each brush will require the paint consistency to be evaluated to ensure that it can perform as intended.

If a liner brush is being used and the paint mixture is to thick the paint cannot flow off that brush effectively. This will make a liner/rigger brush incredibly frustrating and difficult to use. However, once the right water vs paint is used these brushes can bring a huge amount of realism to a painting. I show how to load the brushes with paint, how to thin and mix the paints all in my in depth tutorials on Patreon.

This Rabbit painting is a perfect lesson to start with for learning how to paint realistic fur.
It covers every technique in detail and has sections of the fur that are soft, out of focus that show how to soften brush strokes whilst also building up fine details on the face.

In this tutorial I also demonstrate how to use a liner brush for painting the super fine whiskers.
How to control the brush to achieve these long strokes.

If you’d like to watch the YouTube time-lapse tutorial with voice over click the Rabbit thumbnail =). This video will also help you decide if the real time tutorials on Patreon are of interest. The Patreon version of this Rabbit is all in real time. No parts sped up or cut out. With a voice over whilst I paint, each process is explained thoroughly. The reference photo, line art and material list are provided with this step by step tutorial. If you would like more information on my Patreon tutorials click the below thumbnail =).



